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Uterus Badge

Uterus Badge

GST Included

For 12 years (before the inception of SciencePlay Kids) Dr. Loz was a medical researcher investigating the factors that were thought to contribute to cancer chemotherapy resistance. Since moving on from research and focussing on communicating science to kids, Dr. Loz has missed the lab. She wanted to find a way to still contribute and to improve the understanding on factors that contribute to the development of cancer and how to treat it. By designing, creating and selling these earrings and giving a portion of the profit back to medical research. Dr. Loz has been able to keep following her passion to improve the quality of life of people touched by cancer. This amazing area of the female body is also unfortunately host to gynaecological cancers, which account for 10% of all female-cancer related deaths in Australia. Endometrial cancer, also called cancer of the uterus, is the most diagnosed gynaecological cancer in Australia. The other aim of these brooches is to start a conversation about Endometriosis. More than 730,000 (more than 10%) of Australian women suffer, often in silence, with endometriosis at some point in their life. These women are regularly dismissed by their medical professionals, family and peers who often don't appreciate how debilitating this condition can be. Wearing these brooches you are loudly and proudly bringing these conversations into the open.


By buying these earrings you are contributing funds to undertake research that aims to improve our understanding of these conditions, how they originate and progress, so that we can improve the outcomes for all who are impacted.


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32 Lobelia Drive, Altona North VIC 3025  /  Tel. 0418 376 531

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© 2019 SciencePlay Kids

Science Play Kids acknowledges the peoples of the Yalukit-willam of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Owners of Country on which we live and work. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past and present. 

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